Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time and God

So Joe Boot the speaker at the retreat I was at this past weekend mentioned something that triggered a thought that I had about God, that really I've been working through my head for the past coupe of years.

People often ask questions like "Why does God choose to let these things happen?" Why pray if God has already decided what is the outcome? ... I could go on, but I'll let you input your question like this in if you want.

As I worked through this I really got thinking about time - I mean why does time exist, where does time exist, how does it exist? If 1 day is like 1000 to God and 1000 is like 1 to God - then what does that say about God and time and more importantly for this blog the questions we ask.

I'll try to explain where I am at in this. God does not exist in time, he is eternal, he is everywhere at all times. If this is true, in our "time" he could be at both ends of the galaxy at the same point in time, although really to humans this would be hundreds of years apart being light traveled to earth for these things to become known (I'm not a scientist so not sure on the exactness of this). The reality is that if God is in all places at all times, and really He is not limited by time - then he could be in all places at all times. God could be there during Daniel's time while making predications about that empire for the future, and be in the time when that came true.

So did God chose for some to go to hell, or see what decision they had made. He knows how many hairs were on my head when I was born, and at the same time could see how little I have left now.

I hope this doesn't come across as limiting God, it shows the power, the awesomeness and personal relationship that God has. How amazing is it that he has a personal relationship with all of us at the same time, and is actively involved in loving us.

It's exciting as we live in a would of uncertainty that God has gone before us, and is already actively involved.

1 comment:

Michael Krahn said...

This is exactly what we'll be studying in small group!