Ok so I'm not sure how many that read this care or know about hockey but I have to write this.
Mats Sundin signed with the Vancouver Canucks today. Honestly I supported the guy as a Leaf, and last year when he wouldn't waive his no trade clause because he wanted to stay a Leaf, and didn't want to be a rental player cause he didn't believe in it ... I didn't like the decision but supported it. I mean for a guy who says he is so thankful to this organization the best thing he could have ever done is take the trade and set them on a road to be better for years to come. Again he signed the no trade clause and thus earned it. It's just all the talk and reasons behind it that stink worse than most of the hockey bags I can't stand the smell of after guys leave them in their trunk all week long.
He wanted to stay a Leaf and wanted to not be a rental player. The leafs offered him a contract if he came back for as much money as he's worth. I don't care if Vancouver wants to spend 10 million on him he is a good player, but not that good. The leafs are really not that bad of a team, they are 9 points behind the canucks but the canucks have played 2 more games. And if you aren't a rental player ... then don't wait till 1/3 of the way through the season to sign with a team. This year he is a rental player for Vancouver, he waited to see how the season was going. I like Canadian team, for the most part outside of Montreal I cheer for them, but I hope Vancouver fizzles out, I hope they miss the playoffs. I don't understand his choices, he goes to a team that is going to have go through San Jose and Detroit to even make it to the finals ... Maybe he'll fit in there, maybe Vancouver will be a really good team as a result of him being there, but a guy that seemed to gain so much respect cause he wanted to stay and help this organization lost all of it. He cost the organization, and smudged his character with how he dealt with it.
So "Rental Sundin" thanks for some great years in TO and for the kick in the head on the way out ... out from a city that embraced you even though you never brought the cup they thought you would bring.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Here is a video promoting our upcoming series we are doing at 3:16 in January. Looking at who you need to have around you to help you grow in your walk with God.
Monday, December 15, 2008
2 ends of the spectrum
So I went out today to pick up some stuff for the church and went to 2 different stores. With the economic circumstances here money is tight everywhere, and around Christmas time you often wonder what that means. I went to Food Basics as we had arranged for them to help us out a little with our "Christmas in a Basket". This is a way for our youth to bless the lives of people who could really use it at Christmas. We collect food and deliver a turkey meal to their homes that they can cook up themselves at Christmas. We are working with the Christopher Champlain Center here to find where the greatest need is and meet it. With all the economic circumstances they still chose to give us some gift certificates to help us create more meals.
I went from there to EB Games. I had been there 2 weeks previous to buy some games for our youth wing, but didn't end up getting them at the time. December rolls around and the price of the used games I was looking at had doubled! At most of the games I looked at were all more than when I had been there previous. I had trouble finding a game in the same price range. I walked out empty handed hoping that in the new year things will come back to normal. Although really I hope not - I hate to believe that the price of games there would double at Christmas as people come in to find stuff for their kids. I know businesses have to survive, but the gaming industry doesn't seem to be hurting and at this time of year, stuff like that flies off the shelves. I wonder how many people are going to pay double the price because they weren't there 2 weeks ago like I was.
At any rate - thank you FOOD BASICS for showing the true heart behind Christmas - and thank you EB games for ... well being scrooge I guess.
I went from there to EB Games. I had been there 2 weeks previous to buy some games for our youth wing, but didn't end up getting them at the time. December rolls around and the price of the used games I was looking at had doubled! At most of the games I looked at were all more than when I had been there previous. I had trouble finding a game in the same price range. I walked out empty handed hoping that in the new year things will come back to normal. Although really I hope not - I hate to believe that the price of games there would double at Christmas as people come in to find stuff for their kids. I know businesses have to survive, but the gaming industry doesn't seem to be hurting and at this time of year, stuff like that flies off the shelves. I wonder how many people are going to pay double the price because they weren't there 2 weeks ago like I was.
At any rate - thank you FOOD BASICS for showing the true heart behind Christmas - and thank you EB games for ... well being scrooge I guess.
Well Christmas in upon us, I just got through the busy Christmas week for myself - 2 Christmas youth parties and 2 Christmas Cantatas to go to. Now the question everyone asks are you ready for Christmas? Really what they mean is have you bought all your gifts? Here is a good video to watch for all you guys - even if you have bought the gift already.
Friday, December 12, 2008

Well since I started playing goalie a couple years ago I've pretty much stopped playing out in hockey. I didn't play at all last year and once the year before I think, and the same the year before that. Needless to say, it's been almost 3 years with out playing at all. In the mean time I acquired a new pair of skates that I have never worn, and a new stick I have never used. I went last night and played with some guys in St. George. I guess goalies don's show up here and there and so I took both sets of equipment, but both goalie showed this week so I played out. I was the oldest guy on the ice - most seemed to be 20. I actually did alright though - scored 2 goals, and only fell flat on my face once. Not bad for an old guy - it was great to get back out and play. Surprisingly I'm not sore today either.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
More Christmas
We all enjoy a little Charlie Brown. I showed this to 70 Jr. Highs last night and they loved it. As I watched this again, I was struck with the reminder about the gift that we were given. To often we stop at the miracle of the virgin birth at Christmas. I don't say this to downplay this - I think the virgin birth is one of the most amazing miracles ever. I was reminded of it this week when watching HOUSE. I won't be able to relay this right but I'll try. The idea is that genes could mutate and somehow by a "medical miracle" a woman could conceive a child without ever having sex. In the show House lied to make a couple who was engaged believe this, but it was untrue.
We can't question that validity of this (virgin birth), it is as essential to us as Christ's resurrection. Which takes me back to my original thought - the verse the Linus quotes when talking about the meaning of Christmas. Found in Luke - I'll let you look it up your self. But often what gets lost in all the talk about Jesus being born, the star, the shepherds, the wisemen and stable ... the fact that when Jesus was born, they called Him
We don't just celebrate Jesus birth at Christmas. We celebrate the coming, the realization, of our Saviour.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What will you do?
So I found this video (click on "Christmas" above to view) a little while ago can't remember where - on someone else's blog, or facebook. Got reminded of it when Steve showed it this Sunday at church. We often talk about things like this as churches, and families but too often it never comes to pass. I know there are a million and one opportunities to serve at Christmas and everyone is asking for money for their organization - but too often that is our excuse. That others are asking and instead of being a part we just don't pick anything. I know this has been me unfortunately in the past both for the reason that I just couldn't decide and would forget and that I just didn't want to give and so "trying to figure it out" seemed like a good way to get out of it.
So, what will you do? It doesn't have to be solving world hunger or the water problem - it could be spending time with someone who has been forgotten by too many or just doesn't have the resources to make anything happen.
We can make excuses all we want, this year in stead
Make memories.
So I found this video (click on "Christmas" above to view) a little while ago can't remember where - on someone else's blog, or facebook. Got reminded of it when Steve showed it this Sunday at church. We often talk about things like this as churches, and families but too often it never comes to pass. I know there are a million and one opportunities to serve at Christmas and everyone is asking for money for their organization - but too often that is our excuse. That others are asking and instead of being a part we just don't pick anything. I know this has been me unfortunately in the past both for the reason that I just couldn't decide and would forget and that I just didn't want to give and so "trying to figure it out" seemed like a good way to get out of it.
So, what will you do? It doesn't have to be solving world hunger or the water problem - it could be spending time with someone who has been forgotten by too many or just doesn't have the resources to make anything happen.
We can make excuses all we want, this year in stead
Make memories.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I read a story recently about a guy in Tokyo that was doing interviews on the street - asking people about Christmas. One of the responses he got both made me laugh but as well made me really think about where our culture is and how unfortunately true the statement was. A lady responded,
"Isn't it the time of year we remember the death of Jesus".
I mean in some ways I want to know what bubble she has been living in, but in the same sense I look at what CHRISTmas has become and understand a little.
When you think about it, its the leading holiday that has pushed Christ out of everything. It's the holiday season, Merry xmas, the holiday tree. This has infiltrated so much more than this, but really the more Christ gets forgotten in Christmas - the more that statement becomes true. It seems the day is coming when more people may know the other meanings of Christmas and not have a clue about the real meaning.
"Isn't it the time of year we remember the death of Jesus".
I mean in some ways I want to know what bubble she has been living in, but in the same sense I look at what CHRISTmas has become and understand a little.
When you think about it, its the leading holiday that has pushed Christ out of everything. It's the holiday season, Merry xmas, the holiday tree. This has infiltrated so much more than this, but really the more Christ gets forgotten in Christmas - the more that statement becomes true. It seems the day is coming when more people may know the other meanings of Christmas and not have a clue about the real meaning.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Surreal experiences
So no pics for this one yet but I'll hope to add some in the coming days.
I had a couple experiences over the past couple days on vacation that were truly amazing and for me at the time surreal.
First, my brother-in-law and I went down the creek on the kayak. The dam, had just been lowered thus the water was really rushing. About a 5 minute hike up is a waterfall. I was pretty excited about what I knew was ahead. The water was rushing like I had never seen before. After a run in with a Fisher, which is a pretty small animal a little bigger than a rat, we made our way down the waterfall (more about the Fisher at the bottom if you care) We proceeded to try and find places where we could lodge ourselves against some rocks and push against the waterfall. I realized 2 things - one I needed to tighten my shorts and two which made the previous obvious, that water was alot stronger than I was. At one point I put my leg in the water to have in thrust into a rock - needless to say this was very uncomfortable.
Second, I went for a kayak down the creek again after a thunderstorm had just passed over. Everyone else was hiding inside, but those who know me know that I don't do stuck inside very well. Plus the water is amazing so who cares what its like outside. I started down, going through the fog that was coming of the water after the storm, and the thunder from the storm now on the other end of the lake still shook the kayak. Things got a little more worry some on the way back. I went to check out my friend the fisher and the storm was pretty isolated and had come back to the cottage I left the waterfall, got in the kayak and turned the corner to come back and all I saw was dark clouds so I went full out the whole way with a lightening storm encouraging me on.
It was so cool especially the second one to sit back and just "wow" at God and his creation and how powerful He is. Both these are nothing in comparison to his strength, but I was like nothing compared to it.
So now to the Fisher story for those who care - Dave and I started looking around testing out the water and waterfalls and finding our best way around when we saw this little runt who looked not to happy that we were around. I haven't seen many of these animals around and I'm starting to understand why. It kept running around and we weren't sure what to make of it. Next thing I know he gets in the water, swims across to where we are and comes at us! Dave was right behind me, I stress was cause he bolted to the waterfall where the water likely rushed to fast for the little critter. I did the first thing that came to mind. Grabbed a stick and took a swat, he took off and we never saw him again. For all you animal lovers don't worry I didn't hit him, although if he came back again I couldn't promise I wouldn't have made sure to put all the years of sports and swinging bats and clubs at small objects into play.
Monday, July 28, 2008
And people say I'm pig headed
So I've had the discussion many times about I'm pig headed or not, I don't deny being a little stubburn, and Elisabeth and I have often joked around about me not liking to be wrong. I always say, I don't deny that, I don't like to be wrong, that's why I'm usually not. My idea is that I don't usually talk to loudly about things unless I know cause ya I don't like to be wrong, why would I?
But just to show how open I am to guidance when it's right I'll let you in on a happening in our place over the last little while. Maybe it'll even help you.
We bought some new mouth wash the other day. Not sure how we got on the topic but somehow it came around to the fact that I have always rinsed after I brush, I guess I just figured "Hey it'll give you the freshest breath the longest" I mean with the burn sometimes lasting 15 minutes the freshness has to last longer than that. Elisabeth let me know that 30 years of rinsing has been done wrong. That you actually are suppose to rinse before cause it helps loosen the plaque and stuff to be brushed away. Now this where reading the label would have helped, but who actually ever does that?
So I've changed my ways, I rinse before now, and not sure if its a mental thing or not but it does seem to work better. I guess you can let me know about the fresh breath thing.
My only question is why did a dentist or hygienist (aka torture person)not even tell me this?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Big heads and Bucket Lists

So I watched the movie the Bucket List the other day. Great movie, but as always one thing really stuck out to me. There is a point where they are having a discussion after seeing an amazing sight out of a airplane window. They start talking about God creating it, and get into a really neat discussion about whether God exists or not when the quote comes across "my head gets in the way". Thus the picture of Barry Bonds and a big head. Which could really be taken to ways with him, cause he is quite conceited so a big head comment fits, but in that you have to think that his head got in the way of so many decisions he made and got him to where he is today.
While doing some research on the book of Acts I came across the meaning of the name Paul - it means small. Saul changed his name to Paul when his life was changed on the Road to Damascus. He started a new life, and thus a new name, and choice the name Paul ... little or small - not wanting to let himself get in the way of what God was going to do. Makes that comment that your head can get in the way pretty dead on. Doing it on our own would seem to me to be linked to what we in this world would call a big head. I mean how can you be more conceited than to think you can do it better than God. And Saul when amazed with the truths and overwhelmed with the love that Christ had for him, and the power of the Holy Spirit, can only change his name to something that exemplifies what he needs to do. He needs to be small, and not let his head get in the way anymore.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Thoughts over Mac and Cheese

So someone just had to bring up Mac and cheese in our staff meeting this morn. Call me a child, call me stupid you likely have before, call me whatever you want, but I love this stuff. Mac and cheese is soooooo good. Maybe its cause I didn't live of it at college, although I really can't see that being all that bad, but I still at times when I go somewhere and they've made "meal A" for adults and Mac and cheese for kids, wish I could get relegated to the kids table. There are likely many other childish foods I like but I'll save that.
So after staff meeting I walked home for one of the things I enjoy most these days ... lunch with my boy. Elisabeth was waiting to eat so Nate and I enjoyed a good ole box of fake KD cause so often now it actually tastes better. It was at this time, as we sat at the table together both of our heads bearing very little hair, that I remembered 2 comments from the weekend.
2 times on Sunday we had 2 different people who didn't know us make comments about how he didn't need to tell anyone who his parents were cause that was quite obvious who we were. I just love this - I mean how amazing is God that he brought this amazing little guy into our lives that is the perfect match for us in so many ways, and on top of that, gets told all the time how much he looks like his daddy.
So I look forward to the days ahead when we chomp down on some Mac and cheese together, talk about how great God is and what He is doing in both our lives.
Hopefully he will always love it as much as I do .
Thursday, May 29, 2008
When Apologies don't work

I'm sure the lady that called our house 5 times last night and once that we know of the night before was feeling alot like this picture.
It seemed at first one of those thing where a person just can't hit the right numbers on the phone. She kept calling back, and unfortunately saying she didn't speak english very well is an understatement. So after Elisabeth had talked to her enough that she didn't want to again I answered the phone. I tried to be nice ... I hope I was, but I just told her that it was the wrong number and please don't call it again. No idea what she said ... I couldn't understand - I just repeated its the wrong number and not to call. We had only got the phone the day before and other than my sister calling me once, this lady was the only call we received.
It all seemed a bit weird so Elisabeth called Rogers. From what I understand somehow we did get this lady's ... husband's (we are thinking she was saying) number. How not sure, luckily we hadn't started giving many our number yet, cause we got a new one.
So I'll likely never talk to that lady again, her calls won't come to us anymore, but to her I say I'm sorry. You may have been telling me you just called the Number on Monday and it worked and wondered how it wasn't now. It's funny for me, but likely it sucked for her.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I am Legend

Rented this movie on Sunday night. I've never read the book, and apparently its a little different from the book, but all in all not a bad movie. I mean I had my sub turned up too loud and so it shook the walls a little. It was a little too scary for Elisabeth at times, but had a couple of parts in it that were pretty neat.
Will Smith thinks he is the last man on earth, trying to find a cure for a disease that was created years earlier as a cure for cancer. It ended up killing off most of the world, and leaving those who hadn't died already in a almost zomby like state. A woman and her son find him, and through some cricumstances suggest that God had sent them there. She says that the world was to noisey but now that its quieter its alot easier to here God. Smith balks at the idea. Near the end of the movie he's realized they have the cure for the disease, but are cornered. He sees a butterfly tattoo on the ladies neck. His daughter always talked about butterflies earlier in the movie. He hands her soem blood with the cure in it, sends her off to take it to others who are alive and goes to die while saving them. She says no, but he looks at her and says "I'm listening".
So neat to me to see a movie talk so loudly about God working amongst us all in day to day things. That there are so many signs and times God wants to talk to us yet we let the "noise" of this world get in the way.
What did you miss today? How is God going to speak to you tomorrow? Will you listen?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Love, true love

So we often talk about loving othersand we can't talk about love without the quote above from Princess Bride. I wear a shirt that if you know me, you've seen me wear it. It says, "Jesus loves you and I'm trying". For the most part its true, I am trying, well in most cases ... most of the time. But here is a challenge about that. We often throw around that saying Jesus loves you, but do we believe it? Here is the challenge
Don't tell them Jesus loves them, unless you are willing to love them
Monday, March 31, 2008
So it's been a while since the last blog posting. I was in Ethiopia and then recovering, and wanting to take sometime to think about and work through my experience there this time. We had an awesome time. The people there were great as always and the weather was amazing. The food was ... well lets just say we all were so excited to buy bread and cheese and make grilled cheese sandwiches. We spent a lot of time at the orphanage and the twins that stole Elisabeth and I's heart last time were there still and still as lovable, Nardos was there and clinged on, and one other little girl whose name I don't know - all I know is she was adorable, she talked and giggled all the time and that I got more exercise chasing her around than anything else.
But out of all of it good and bad (most of the bad was linked to the flight and Lufthansa being the worst airline I've ever flown with) there were 2 things that stuck out to me. First was my experience at HOPE ministries - a ministry that has a school and adult education facility, but also a feeding program that feeds 1000 people a day! They had already fed 300 kids in the morning, and we drove in around 11 to help with the lunch feeding. 700 people had already gathered, most with some sort of cane, and all with ratty clothes. I have trouble describing it 8 Canadians step out into this crowd and you feel like you are on another planet for a bit. The rest went down and got ready, while I got the chance to tell all 700 about God, they listened intently and when I was done begged for me to take their pictures. It was so weird after, they all just wanted to shake my hand, I've never felt so ... well weird is likely the best word, but valued might be another.
The I just pray that they accept the HOPE that only God can give them.
The second was while at a High school in Ethiopia. We had been in many classes and made our way to a class for the hearing impaired. They asked alot of questions about what kids like them were like in Canada and how they were treated. They gave an opportunity for us to share anything we wanted, and the rest of the team looked like the "deer in the headlights" I took the opportunity to let them know that God loved them and viewed them as equals to everyone else. It was amazing to me to see the look in their eyes a sense of relief a sense of amazement, not in what I had said, but in the love God has for them. IT was short, but it was a seed planted and our amazing God will continue to work on it.
These moments don't stick out to me because of my involvement, it makes sense I remember them because of it, but they stick out because of how God orchestrated it all and touched lives, and the looks in their eyes showed a genuineness in acceptence of what was said that we don't see nearly enough.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Humilty or Humiliation
So as some know I spun out a week or so back in the bad snow storm and ended up in the ditch, waiting for an hour to get towed out. It was interesting to us as we sat there how many cars stopped to help, how many would either drive down the road and turn around or back up on the highway to see if we were ok. Gladly we were all alright and there was no damage to the car.
So this morning on my way to work I came up on a car on the side of the road and an elderly man walked around to the front which I though was to check on the car in some way, as I slowed to see if he was ok (really felt I should since so many stopped for us) he starts waving me on, as he holds his pants up ... Yep you got it he was just relieving himself.
I compare the 2 events - the humbling experience of sitting in a ditch while so many drive by and having to admit - hey I lost control and the humiliating experience on that man as I stop to ask him if he is ok and he is just trying not to get any pee on his pants.
I think we often get the 2 mixed up in real life experiences. We are not humble people because when God bring opportunities are way to be humble to admit we were wrong, or may not have the write answer, we react like we have been humiliated.
God uses humbling experiences in our lives, we cause the humiliation.
So this morning on my way to work I came up on a car on the side of the road and an elderly man walked around to the front which I though was to check on the car in some way, as I slowed to see if he was ok (really felt I should since so many stopped for us) he starts waving me on, as he holds his pants up ... Yep you got it he was just relieving himself.
I compare the 2 events - the humbling experience of sitting in a ditch while so many drive by and having to admit - hey I lost control and the humiliating experience on that man as I stop to ask him if he is ok and he is just trying not to get any pee on his pants.
I think we often get the 2 mixed up in real life experiences. We are not humble people because when God bring opportunities are way to be humble to admit we were wrong, or may not have the write answer, we react like we have been humiliated.
God uses humbling experiences in our lives, we cause the humiliation.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Brad Pitt

Here is the story
We were shopping at the Grove, which is a really amazing, well know shopping center in LA, and Philip (Elisabeth's brother) and I were talking about getting a Haegen Daaz hot chocolate, which I never got. But anyways, while we were talking about it Amber (Philip's wife), started going crazy saying "there is Brad Pitt". So she grabbed the stroller and Nathan and took off, and we just did our best to keep up. So Brad turned down towards the parking lot and ducked down a little side track. So we just figured he was gone, as we turn back he is standing there reading a map or something. We figure just trying to lose anyone who might have seen him. As we get around the corner the guy pulls out a honking huge Camera and starts taking pics and calling for "Brad" After a couple shots Brad said "come on guys" By this time he was ahead of me as I stopped to see what was gonna happen. And with all the practice I've had jumping into random pictures over the years I was in the perfect place to make sure I was in most of the remaining pictures. A little "confrontation" ensued, and Brad ended up leaving. I was only about 6 inches behind him at this point and made sure to get a chance to tell him how cute his little girl was, who is from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia where I am working now. We slowed and Brad kept walking.
Amber followed again.
They then followed him into "American Girl" asking if there were any boy stuff for Nathan. We were directed up stairs which just happened to be where Brad was headed. So we went up there. I stayed back and sat on a sofa while the others went in. At one point we could see Brad peaking at us to see who we were and what we were doing. We ended up leaving deciding to give him his space. So we sat by the fountain Philip saw him coming again and as he approached politely said "Mr Pitt, would you mind a picture" He said no thanks, and smiled and kept walking.
The Underdogs
Well after a great Sunday of watching the Superbowl, that included a great game (I might be bias since I was cheering for the Giants) we headed to Hermosa Beach to watch Jay Leno do stand up. We were in the third row, and I'm not gonna lie to you Jay waved at us as we drove away. Elisabeth and I left as soon as he left the stage, but they wouldn't let anyone out until he was in his car. We got out and started walking down the street and I was moving my wallet that was in my hand when Jay drove by, and I guess assumed I was waving, so he glanced over and waved at us. All in all a pretty cool night.
So the underdog Giants won, which made out for a great game. I think most were expecting a blowout and the Tom Brady show to continue. Personally I think the Tom Brady show better when he is frustrated and getting knocked around all the time. But most didn't give the Giants a chance, most thought maybe they could keep it close for a while but then in time they would give in to the potent Pats offense. I have to be honest that wasn't the only "underdog" lesson I learned this Sunday. We went to Philip's church here in LA this Sunday, I got a chance to talk to them about Global Reach stuff. But it really got me thinking - not sure yet if it was an attitude thing or a faith thing yet - still working through that. But I'd say about 15 people were there, and yet they still run things like the place was full. they bring in speakers, have a good sound system, spend a lot of time praying through and getting ready for the service, thinking through songs, offering, and how to help their community. It really got me thinking to the times when we'd cancel youth cause not enough people would be there. It's not worth our time. Yet everyday, they work in faith with the flock God has given them that day.
What flock has God blessed you with? You family? Your friends that need it? A small group you lead? or a entire church? Whatever it is just be faithful, cause in reality you are the underdog.
So the underdog Giants won, which made out for a great game. I think most were expecting a blowout and the Tom Brady show to continue. Personally I think the Tom Brady show better when he is frustrated and getting knocked around all the time. But most didn't give the Giants a chance, most thought maybe they could keep it close for a while but then in time they would give in to the potent Pats offense. I have to be honest that wasn't the only "underdog" lesson I learned this Sunday. We went to Philip's church here in LA this Sunday, I got a chance to talk to them about Global Reach stuff. But it really got me thinking - not sure yet if it was an attitude thing or a faith thing yet - still working through that. But I'd say about 15 people were there, and yet they still run things like the place was full. they bring in speakers, have a good sound system, spend a lot of time praying through and getting ready for the service, thinking through songs, offering, and how to help their community. It really got me thinking to the times when we'd cancel youth cause not enough people would be there. It's not worth our time. Yet everyday, they work in faith with the flock God has given them that day.
What flock has God blessed you with? You family? Your friends that need it? A small group you lead? or a entire church? Whatever it is just be faithful, cause in reality you are the underdog.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Time and God
So Joe Boot the speaker at the retreat I was at this past weekend mentioned something that triggered a thought that I had about God, that really I've been working through my head for the past coupe of years.
People often ask questions like "Why does God choose to let these things happen?" Why pray if God has already decided what is the outcome? ... I could go on, but I'll let you input your question like this in if you want.
As I worked through this I really got thinking about time - I mean why does time exist, where does time exist, how does it exist? If 1 day is like 1000 to God and 1000 is like 1 to God - then what does that say about God and time and more importantly for this blog the questions we ask.
I'll try to explain where I am at in this. God does not exist in time, he is eternal, he is everywhere at all times. If this is true, in our "time" he could be at both ends of the galaxy at the same point in time, although really to humans this would be hundreds of years apart being light traveled to earth for these things to become known (I'm not a scientist so not sure on the exactness of this). The reality is that if God is in all places at all times, and really He is not limited by time - then he could be in all places at all times. God could be there during Daniel's time while making predications about that empire for the future, and be in the time when that came true.
So did God chose for some to go to hell, or see what decision they had made. He knows how many hairs were on my head when I was born, and at the same time could see how little I have left now.
I hope this doesn't come across as limiting God, it shows the power, the awesomeness and personal relationship that God has. How amazing is it that he has a personal relationship with all of us at the same time, and is actively involved in loving us.
It's exciting as we live in a would of uncertainty that God has gone before us, and is already actively involved.
People often ask questions like "Why does God choose to let these things happen?" Why pray if God has already decided what is the outcome? ... I could go on, but I'll let you input your question like this in if you want.
As I worked through this I really got thinking about time - I mean why does time exist, where does time exist, how does it exist? If 1 day is like 1000 to God and 1000 is like 1 to God - then what does that say about God and time and more importantly for this blog the questions we ask.
I'll try to explain where I am at in this. God does not exist in time, he is eternal, he is everywhere at all times. If this is true, in our "time" he could be at both ends of the galaxy at the same point in time, although really to humans this would be hundreds of years apart being light traveled to earth for these things to become known (I'm not a scientist so not sure on the exactness of this). The reality is that if God is in all places at all times, and really He is not limited by time - then he could be in all places at all times. God could be there during Daniel's time while making predications about that empire for the future, and be in the time when that came true.
So did God chose for some to go to hell, or see what decision they had made. He knows how many hairs were on my head when I was born, and at the same time could see how little I have left now.
I hope this doesn't come across as limiting God, it shows the power, the awesomeness and personal relationship that God has. How amazing is it that he has a personal relationship with all of us at the same time, and is actively involved in loving us.
It's exciting as we live in a would of uncertainty that God has gone before us, and is already actively involved.
The Irony of it all
So While at Bedlam back in November I realized I had made the trip without a towel. I knew that not showering for the weekend wasn't a good option, and I didn't feel like using a t-shirt which is my usual fall back at hockey when I've forgotten a towel. But I thought I had hit the Jackpot when I found the floor mat, which is really just a small not so soft towel. For that weekend I used this mat to dry off with.
I was back there just this past weekend, and as we were packing the house and frantically trying to get everything together, I forgot my laptop, my boots, and my sleeping bag, but I made sure to bring a towel, I think it was the first thing in my bag. As much as it was a blessing to have the mat, it wasn't anywhere near ideal.
As I got to my room someone mentioned there might be a set of sheets and a blanket in the top drawer that there had been for the other weekends. I opened the drawer to find just that - a set of sheets, a blanket, a pillow and ..... a towel. Actually there was 2 one in each dresser. Apparently while I was using a floor mat to dry off with there were 2 - really nice towels there all along.
I think the funniest part of it (and I did find it pretty funny) is that as I walked out of my room and ran into Greg and just had to tell him about it on the way to breakfast, he told me after I finished that he had just used the mat in his room, and he was going to look in his drawers.
I was back there just this past weekend, and as we were packing the house and frantically trying to get everything together, I forgot my laptop, my boots, and my sleeping bag, but I made sure to bring a towel, I think it was the first thing in my bag. As much as it was a blessing to have the mat, it wasn't anywhere near ideal.
As I got to my room someone mentioned there might be a set of sheets and a blanket in the top drawer that there had been for the other weekends. I opened the drawer to find just that - a set of sheets, a blanket, a pillow and ..... a towel. Actually there was 2 one in each dresser. Apparently while I was using a floor mat to dry off with there were 2 - really nice towels there all along.
I think the funniest part of it (and I did find it pretty funny) is that as I walked out of my room and ran into Greg and just had to tell him about it on the way to breakfast, he told me after I finished that he had just used the mat in his room, and he was going to look in his drawers.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The BIG 30
So the last week has been full of comments about how old I am, funny thing is some are older than me :) Here are some of my responses.
I'm 30 and can still out run you ....
Well since you were already dating when I was born that makes you really old ...
When asked if I feel old, no in the words of some of the teens from Faith "You are still as immature as ever" I think I take that as a compliment.
So what did I do, well we went to Chicago for the weekend a week before and did something I've always wanted to do, visit Notre Dame.
But whats the biggest thing that happened/I learned at the ripe old age of 30?
Well first of all if you say "I'm ready for a step of faith ..." get ready cause you never know what God has in store. We signed the papers to sell our house on my bday, and have till Feb 1 to move out. We have no house to move to.
Another lesson, which is more of something confirmed than learned new - step out in faith and watch as God unfolds what he has in store. Not more than 20 minutes after signing, God already started to work out the details of interim housing.
Lastly - watch what you ask for - we said we wanted to step out in faith, and things have been continual steps of faith since then, please don't take this as complaining, I'd have it no other way.
I'm 30 and can still out run you ....
Well since you were already dating when I was born that makes you really old ...
When asked if I feel old, no in the words of some of the teens from Faith "You are still as immature as ever" I think I take that as a compliment.
So what did I do, well we went to Chicago for the weekend a week before and did something I've always wanted to do, visit Notre Dame.
But whats the biggest thing that happened/I learned at the ripe old age of 30?
Well first of all if you say "I'm ready for a step of faith ..." get ready cause you never know what God has in store. We signed the papers to sell our house on my bday, and have till Feb 1 to move out. We have no house to move to.
Another lesson, which is more of something confirmed than learned new - step out in faith and watch as God unfolds what he has in store. Not more than 20 minutes after signing, God already started to work out the details of interim housing.
Lastly - watch what you ask for - we said we wanted to step out in faith, and things have been continual steps of faith since then, please don't take this as complaining, I'd have it no other way.
Monday, January 7, 2008
So I listen to a sermon by one of my favorites today, Mark Driscoll. If I am driving for a while by myself, this is likely what you will find me doing, listening to one of his sermons. He made a comment which was only a very small part of the sermon and not the emphasis of the sermon but something that stood out to me. Just for information sake this is a usual for me - no offense to whoever is speaking at the church I'm at, but I very rarely get out of the sermon what they are talking about, it always seems to be some other comment that sparks something weird in my head that I think about for the rest of the time. But back to the topic on hand (wow I'm A D D even when blogging).
So in passing he made some comment about humility and why that is evidence (maybe evidence isn't the best word) that the Bible is true. So here is what I got out of it or where my brain wondered off to.
When looking at Christ and his life here on earth you can't help but see how humble of a man Christ was, he made alot of claims (which were true), but not really in a way that showed arrogance. Much of Christ's life outside of this was such an amazing example of humilty considering who he was. He washed feet, he taught and lived servant leadership. He was God yet this is how he lived life here on earth.
So now think about begin a creative writer, if you were to try and create a god - would you create him humble? We as humans are not humble people and if we were to create a god, why in the world we create a god that is humble, that is the epitimy of humility?
Is this evidence God exists - no, but it does speak volumes in that direction.
So in passing he made some comment about humility and why that is evidence (maybe evidence isn't the best word) that the Bible is true. So here is what I got out of it or where my brain wondered off to.
When looking at Christ and his life here on earth you can't help but see how humble of a man Christ was, he made alot of claims (which were true), but not really in a way that showed arrogance. Much of Christ's life outside of this was such an amazing example of humilty considering who he was. He washed feet, he taught and lived servant leadership. He was God yet this is how he lived life here on earth.
So now think about begin a creative writer, if you were to try and create a god - would you create him humble? We as humans are not humble people and if we were to create a god, why in the world we create a god that is humble, that is the epitimy of humility?
Is this evidence God exists - no, but it does speak volumes in that direction.
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