Monday, January 7, 2008


So I listen to a sermon by one of my favorites today, Mark Driscoll. If I am driving for a while by myself, this is likely what you will find me doing, listening to one of his sermons. He made a comment which was only a very small part of the sermon and not the emphasis of the sermon but something that stood out to me. Just for information sake this is a usual for me - no offense to whoever is speaking at the church I'm at, but I very rarely get out of the sermon what they are talking about, it always seems to be some other comment that sparks something weird in my head that I think about for the rest of the time. But back to the topic on hand (wow I'm A D D even when blogging).

So in passing he made some comment about humility and why that is evidence (maybe evidence isn't the best word) that the Bible is true. So here is what I got out of it or where my brain wondered off to.

When looking at Christ and his life here on earth you can't help but see how humble of a man Christ was, he made alot of claims (which were true), but not really in a way that showed arrogance. Much of Christ's life outside of this was such an amazing example of humilty considering who he was. He washed feet, he taught and lived servant leadership. He was God yet this is how he lived life here on earth.

So now think about begin a creative writer, if you were to try and create a god - would you create him humble? We as humans are not humble people and if we were to create a god, why in the world we create a god that is humble, that is the epitimy of humility?

Is this evidence God exists - no, but it does speak volumes in that direction.

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