Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What will you do?


So I found this video (click on "Christmas" above to view) a little while ago can't remember where - on someone else's blog, or facebook. Got reminded of it when Steve showed it this Sunday at church. We often talk about things like this as churches, and families but too often it never comes to pass. I know there are a million and one opportunities to serve at Christmas and everyone is asking for money for their organization - but too often that is our excuse. That others are asking and instead of being a part we just don't pick anything. I know this has been me unfortunately in the past both for the reason that I just couldn't decide and would forget and that I just didn't want to give and so "trying to figure it out" seemed like a good way to get out of it.

So, what will you do? It doesn't have to be solving world hunger or the water problem - it could be spending time with someone who has been forgotten by too many or just doesn't have the resources to make anything happen.

We can make excuses all we want, this year in stead

Make memories.

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