Well God has taken us on quite the journey with all the different children that have come through our home. As I look back there are lots a great times, lots of hard times, lots of things we don't totally understand - but one thing surrounds all of that - God lead us on this path and He has always been with us through it. Today was one of the happier days, we signed the final papers to adopt our son. It's as the title suggests a new day for us, a new life in a way. Although Nathan has lived with us for over a year now, and in our hearts he has been ours since he walked through that door with curly hair and looking ever so pudgy - there is a relief after having to see kids go and knowing that he won't. There is a moment where you for a second go wow ... this is forever now, a lot I'm guessing like when people find out the are pregnant. But this wow isn't a worryness but for us a wow of what God has done. Nathan means "gift of God" and at a time of uncertainty he was surely that - a gift from God to us and that mindset has never changed over the past year.
It's so cool to me to be able to sit back now, and see this and now be excited what other "New days" God has in store.
Congratulations guys!
wow could you be any better with words? (doubt it)
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