So someone just had to bring up Mac and cheese in our staff meeting this morn. Call me a child, call me stupid you likely have before, call me whatever you want, but I love this stuff. Mac and cheese is soooooo good. Maybe its cause I didn't live of it at college, although I really can't see that being all that bad, but I still at times when I go somewhere and they've made "meal A" for adults and Mac and cheese for kids, wish I could get relegated to the kids table. There are likely many other childish foods I like but I'll save that.
So after staff meeting I walked home for one of the things I enjoy most these days ... lunch with my boy. Elisabeth was waiting to eat so Nate and I enjoyed a good ole box of fake KD cause so often now it actually tastes better. It was at this time, as we sat at the table together both of our heads bearing very little hair, that I remembered 2 comments from the weekend.
2 times on Sunday we had 2 different people who didn't know us make comments about how he didn't need to tell anyone who his parents were cause that was quite obvious who we were. I just love this - I mean how amazing is God that he brought this amazing little guy into our lives that is the perfect match for us in so many ways, and on top of that, gets told all the time how much he looks like his daddy.
So I look forward to the days ahead when we chomp down on some Mac and cheese together, talk about how great God is and what He is doing in both our lives.
Hopefully he will always love it as much as I do .